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Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jul 11, 20234 min read
Permission to Grieve
Embracing Mourning, Finding Meaning, and Honoring Tisha B'Av

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jun 23, 20231 min read
Tammuz Wisdom - To Build and To Be Built
We all crave connection. And yet, one of the most difficult tasks in today’s day and age is to connect. At the heart of the month of...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
May 31, 20233 min read
The Context, Care, Consequence and Continuity of the Marriage Covenant
There are few more celebrated milestones in life than marriage. Holy matrimony affords the opportunity to connect to another in the...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 30, 20232 min read
Important points you can share at your Seder
The Passover Seder is the most celebrated Jewish ritual across the globe. It provides a multi-sensory journey back in time in the here...
Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 6, 20232 min read
7 Steps to Increase Happiness
(First published on #Time-tested Jewish ideas to attain happiness. The following seven Jewish ideas can help you move in the...
Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 6, 20235 min read
Eternity in an Instant
(First published on When we appreciate that we have a literally once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the person we will...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 5, 20232 min read
Find True Happiness
If you went on Amazon right now and typed in ‘happiness + books’ you would get roughly 80 000 results – all books trying to teach you the...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Dec 19, 20223 min read
The Existential Blues
(First published on on the 14th of November 2022). Can you be too smart for your own good? The influential literary critic...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Nov 6, 20225 min read
The Maharal: Savior of the Jews
(First published on on the 6th of November 2022). A Frankenstein-like creature, made of clay, is brought to life by an old...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Nov 2, 20227 min read
Mr Grandma Moses Lives On
Laurence Hoffman (Aryeh ben Ze’ev) Eulogy Transcript Delivered by Rabbi Dr Benji Levy on 8 Cheshvan 5783 (02/11/2022) Tel Regev Cemetery...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Sep 18, 20226 min read
Hillel and Aristotle, Shammai and Plato
(First published on on the 19th of July 2022). There are always two ways to approach life - top down and bottom up. Which one is...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Sep 16, 20226 min read
Yehuda HaLevi: A Glittering Jewel of the Golden Age
(First published on on the 11th of September 2022). An illustrious poet-philosopher from Spain’s “Golden Age”, Yehuda HaLevi...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Sep 15, 20225 min read
Are Humans Hopelessly Corrupt?
(First published on on the 21st of August 2022). Can the human heart be tamed through education or is humanity permanently...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Aug 15, 20225 min read
Dylan, Kierkegaard, and the Binding of Isaac
(First published in the Jerusalem Post on the 3rd of August 2022). However you slice it, the binding of Isaac is a story that begs for...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jul 14, 20224 min read
Modern ethical challenges to Judaism explored in new book
(First published in the Jerusalem Post on the 9th of July 2022). The tension between competing values forces most people today into one...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jul 12, 20225 min read
Is There a Moral Code in a Virtual World?
(First published on on the 3rd of July 2022). Artificial intelligence is reshaping the world and our place in it. Are there any...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jun 29, 20225 min read
Can a Moral Truth Ever Change?
(First published on on the 26th of June 2022). Can a moral truth ever change or does morality need constant upgrading to be...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jun 9, 20225 min read
The Strange Face of Change
(First published on on the 23rd of May 2022). Many years before Aristotle fathered formal logic and Plato ruminated on his cave,...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Apr 19, 20225 min read
Free Will: The Choice to Choose
(First published on on the 31st of March 2022). Why are you reading this post? Can you control whether you read on? Aish have...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Apr 13, 20223 min read
"The Empathy of Exodus"
(First published in The Jerusalem Post on the 7th of April 2022). I listened to the radio in horror as Russian aggression continued to...
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