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Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jan 24, 20212 min read
5 Inspiring Quotes on Education by Rav Sacks zt”l
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l was a world-renowned educator. His teachings reached millions of people around the globe and changed...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jan 20, 20213 min read
Inaugurating the People: Beyond the Politics of Personality
Today the United States will swear in a new President, as it has every four years since 1789. Tens of millions of Americans are excited,...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jan 7, 20213 min read
The Destruction of America’s Temple of Democracy: A Global Citizen's Perspective
The images of an unruly mob occupying the hallowed halls of the Capitol building in Washington, DC have left a painful mark on the...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Dec 27, 20204 min read
Why I am drafting to the IDF at age 35
“You’re crazy.” That’s the first response I would get from senior IDF officials over the last few years when I requested the opportunity...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Dec 10, 20207 min read
Shirley Lowy OAM Eulogy
Delivered by Rabbi Dr Benji Levy on 24 Kislev 5781 (10/12/2020) Tel Aviv Israel Shirley Ann Lowy, Chosia Tzerl bat Yaakov v’Golda was...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Nov 21, 20203 min read
Forming Habits, New and Old
Sometimes forming habits requires no conscious effort at all. The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused us to adopt ways of...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Nov 8, 202010 min read
Seven Lessons in the Leadership of Rabbi Sacks z'l
He was a moral beacon and giant among human beings. Like many of the greats, I have no doubt that his light has just begun to shine .

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Oct 22, 20209 min read
Bobba: The Matriarch of our Family
And we hope that we can live up to the tremendous example that you, as our, matriarch set for us.

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Sep 16, 20203 min read
What can we do together on Rosh Hashanah?
As parents and children, citizens and Jews, we need to consider how we will adapt to our surroundings. We need to focus on what we can...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jul 7, 20207 min read
The Need For Jewish Educational Continuity
What lessons can we learn from this pandemic? Is there some collective meaning we can take away which will serve us beyond these times?

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
May 5, 20203 min read
We Built Jewish Education Around Once-In-A-Lifetime Experiences. That Was A Mistake.
Fewer young people will be traveling to Israel, going to camp or engaging in communal experiences this year. Maybe this is a sign.

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
May 4, 20201 min read
What Does Yom HaAtzmaut Actually Mean?
Independence is a paradox of sorts, whereby true independence is being to chose the right people to depend on.

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 31, 20202 min read
Parents And Children: Four For One And One For All
Throughout this journey, each person sits at the table, no matter which person they may be labeled as.

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 19, 20202 min read
Purim 5780: What My Coronavirus Quarantine Taught Me About The Power Of Loneliness
I celebrate Purim today, in a different way to how I have ever celebrated it before.

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Jan 9, 20202 min read
Building Bridges to Fight Antisemitism
“No Hate, No Fear… No Hate, No Fear…” These words continued to echo in my mind as I arrived home in Israel after marching across the...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Dec 25, 20193 min read
The Miracle Of Jewish Continuity
Should a couple getting married on Chanukah light a chanukiah at their wedding?

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Dec 21, 20193 min read
The State of Jews Outside the State
In less than one year since immigrating to Israel, I have been through two municipal votes and two national votes. While it has been...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Dec 19, 20193 min read
Israel's Greatest Export is its People
But for President Trump's speech, it is doubtful that the average Israeli would have heard about the annual conference of the Israel...

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
May 5, 20194 min read
Enough With The Victim Narrative. Jews Have So Much To Celebrate.
Our children no longer want to hear how not to leave. They need to experience why they must stay.

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
Mar 19, 20194 min read
Esther’s Way: Unmasking The ‘New Anti-Semitism’ On Campus
We must unmask the potential threats and engage young people so that they remain rooted, resolute, and proud.
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