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Sarit Zussman

In honor of Ben Zussman Z’L

Every individual who dies leaves behind a gaping hole for so many loved ones. In this mini-series, we look at three different perspectives on the loss of soul. Sarit Zussman is the mother of Ben and has become a symbol of strength. She talks about how she found out about his death and how she did not fall into despair but pulled the family together in an instant. She discusses how to have real joy, her relationship with her son, and coping with the loss of a family member. Meet this legend among us.

Educational Guide

  1. How do you honor someone who's died, whether a family member, friend or mentor?

  2. What can we learn about the meaning of life, from death?

  3. What does Sarit mean when she says “death is part of life”?

  4. We see that Sarit is saying it's a simple choice to be happy in life, however in our own lives when we're personally going through tough times, how do you stay strong and happy during hard times?

  5. How do you show that you're living life to the fullest and not allowing yourself to feel defeated?

  6. What's your relationship like with your parents? Are you close to them and how can it be improved?

  7. How do you connect to your roots and values as a Jewish person?

  8. How do you respect other people?

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