"Legends Among Us" is a poignant podcast series that delves into the stories of families who have endured unimaginable loss. In each episode, host R. Benji Levy sits down with the loved ones of those who were taken from us during the October 7th attack or in the aftermath of the conflict. Through these intimate conversations, the podcast aims to honor the memories of the fallen and provide a platform for their families to share their journeys of grief, resilience, and the enduring legacies of those they've lost.
"He removed that last barrier"- Ambassador Yechiel Leiter
Dr Yechiel Leiter, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, lost not only his son but also his best friend Moshe Leiter. A father of six, actively involved in volunteer work as well as on the path to becoming a doctor, as his parent, Yechiel could not be more proud. In this inaugural episode, he opens up about Moshe's dedication, unwavering values, and the profound impact that his sacrifice had on his family and the nation. Meet this legend among us.
The Grandmother - Edna Zussman
Every individual who dies leaves behind a gaping hole for so many loved ones. In this mini-series, we look at three different perspectives on the loss of a soul. We begin with the Grandmother: Edna Zussman. She shares about the struggle of learning of his death, soon after the death of her nephew Yosef Guedalia. She explains the importance of the respect people should have for our soldiers fighting this war and reveals so much more in the process. Meet this legend among us.