Tzvi Zussman
In honor of Ben Zussman Z’L
Every individual who dies leaves behind a gaping hole for so many loved ones. In this mini-series, we look at three different perspectives on the loss of soul. Tzvi is Ben Zussman's father. He shares his unique bond with his son, the honesty and integrity of their relationship and how he copes with this profound loss. Meet this legend among us.
Educational Guide
How do you think you would you react if soldiers came to your door with bad news?
Do you admire your siblings like Boaz does about Ben?
Have you ever pushed yourself so much just to get what you want, if so, when?
If you were writing a letter to your family from the front lines what would you write in it?
Is there a cause that is so important to you that you are willing to die for it? Which cause and why?
How can you tell what is real or fake evil?
Do you have such a connection with your parents that they would know every story and not be surprised?
How would you cope or deal with being the only religious person in a non- religious environment?